- Truffles are like mushrooms – they sweat and lose moisture over time.
- Truffles should be kept in a sealed container in the fridge, wrapped in paper towel.
- The paper towel should be changed daily to prevent build up of excess moisture, which can result in development of white mould.
- We suggest placing your truffle in a sealed glass jar with a layer of rice at the bottom, and raw eggs. Leave the truffle with the eggs for 2 to 3 days. The truffle will infuse the eggs and provide an excellent truffled egg dish, without using any truffle!
- You can then use your truffle grated or shaved onto your dish of preference at the end of the cooking process.
- Truffles work really well in simple home cooked meals such as risotto and pasta.
- If you have truffle left after 7 days we suggest grating it finely and mixing with butter, this will keep for a further 2 weeks in the fridge or over 3 months in the freezer.
- If freezing – we suggest using ice cube trays so that you can pop out and defrost the quantity required for your next truffle dish.